The first of a unique new Sybex series, Learn Microsoft Fast!, is half-tutorial, half-reference. The first half of the book focuses on basic concepts and fundamental features. The second half is a companion command reference, also including information on more advanced topics.
This package contains: 01032153688: Corporate Finance: The Core 0132889684: NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Corporate Finance: The Core
融资类信托如何摆脱“明日黄花”宿命............目录理论研究篇业务探索篇陈建超管百海做好房地产信托项目选择,从源头管控房地产信托风险郭敬辉(3)王兴(9)朱晓林(23)陈赤(30)王玉国(38)朱晓林(48) ..............................王兴(59)陈赤(66) ...
The first book to give investors the necessary tools for making sound, socially responsible investment decisions. This unbiased investment guide by a twenty-five-year Wall Street veteran delivers sophisticated, topical, and...
Rights and Duties Between Principal and Agent, Partners, and Members of an LLC; Vicarious Tort Liability; Express, Implied and Apparent Authority; Inherent Agency Power; Undisclosed Principal; Ratification; Notice, Notification, Imputed...
A key feature of Agency, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities: Unincorporated Business Associations is the extensive coverage of limited liability entities, especially unincorporated limited liability companies. The authors include cases...
How to Use Financial Statements explains in clear, easy to understand methods how to read a financial statement. Written for the non-financial professional, this book is ideal for: Professionals...
Engineering Economy: Applying Theory to Practice
The Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy: A Discriminant Analysis
Designed for courses in corporate finance, this text is a detailed description of the valuation process, providing an integrated, comprehensive method for valuing assets, firms, and securities across a wide...
Management Control in Nonprofit Organizations