Branded a "cultural Chernobyl" and the "tragic kingdom," the Euro Disney Resort has been on its own thrill ride since opening in 1992. The much publicized version of the Magic...
这是一本有关迪士尼乐园的十万个为什么,读者想要了解的任何关于迪士尼乐园的有关问题,包括如何巧用迪士尼“快速通行证” 、如何交换迪士尼徽章、如何订制迪士尼个性派对,甚至想要了解迪士尼乐园是如何保洁的、迪士尼乐园里的马是怎样生活的,都可在本书中找到答案。
This excellent text provides the reader with a clear and thorough understanding of direct, hands-on leadership by effectively integrating theory with practice. Leadership in Recreation and Leisure Service Organizations assists...
The mythology of "gifted land" is strong in the Park Service, but some of our greatest parks were "gifted" by people who had little if any choice in the matter....
Planning Programs in Recreation
Communities across the country are working to convert unused railway and canal corridors into trails for pedestrians, cyclists, horseback riders, and others, serving the needs of both recreationists and commuters...
This comprehensive guide has been substantially revised and updated. Jubenville and Twight address a broad spectrum of issues from turf management to interpretive services, incorporating both current management theory and...
From Conquest to Conservation is a visionary new work from three of the nation’s most knowledgeable experts on public lands. As chief of the Forest Service, Mike Dombeck became a...