Space 2002 and Robotics 2002: Proceedings of Space 2002: The Eighth International Conference on Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Business in...

Space 2002 and Robotics 2002: Proceedings of Space 2002: The Eighth International Conference on Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Business in...
Technology & Engineering / Aeronautics & Astronautics
American Society of Civil Engineers
Bryan E. Laubscher


Proceedings of Space 2002: The Eighth International Conference and Exposition on Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Business in Space and of Robotics 2002: The Fifth International Conference and Exposition/Demonstration on Robotics for Challenging Situations and Environments, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 17-21, 2002.

This collection contains 72 papers describing visions of humankind's future in space and of robotic applications in space and in challenging environments on Earth.

Topics include:

  • developing technologies of space exploration;
  • space elevators and tethers;
  • lunar and Martian exploration and construction;
  • space power systems;
  • near-Earth object (NEO) threat;
  • high-altitude balloons;
  • structures, materials, and controls;
  • robotics technology;
  • robotics in space exploration;
  • business in space;
  • space law and policy; and
  • robotic applications in space, terrestrial inspection and maintenance, construction, underwater operations, the nuclear industry, environmental remediation, industry, and medicine.

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