Prepared by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. This report identifies key engineering research and construction issues for the 21st century that support sustainable development. The report reflects the findings of a two-phase Delphi survey involving construction industry experts from more than 20 countries and was prepared to provide the technical context for an international research symposium that will be hosted by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation in Washington, D.C., on February 4-8, 1996. The intended audience includes worldwide representatives from government, academia and business involved in engineering and construction research. The report is organized around five focus areas: Management and Business Practices, Design Technology and Practices, Construction and Equipment, Materials and Systems, and Public and Government Policy. A team of international experts from engineering and construction disciplines author the five papers comprising this report. Each paper covers research needs and barriers to implementation of new technologies and practices. The papers explore opportunities for international cooperation, present case studies of successful research efforts and offer preliminary recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of research in their respective areas. The papers are preceded by an introduction that address the conceptual links among the papers within the context of sustainable development.
This report presents an international collaborative research agenda for the construction industry to advance innovation in support of sustainable development concepts.
This report contains 38 prospectuses presented at Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, held in Washington, D.C., February 4-8, 1996.
This report identifies key engineering research and construction issues for the 21st century that support sustainable development.
Presented at Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, held in Washington, D.C., February 4-8, 1996. Sponsored by the Civil Engineering Research Foundation.
Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development : Executive Report Civil Engineering Research Foundation. RECENT CERF PUBLICATIONS # 40185 Creating the 21st Century through Innovation Executive summary of Construction Industry ...
With very select contributions from the most distinguished international professional experts, this book provides a basic framework and guidelines for national and international bodies.
TABLE 22.1 Baseball Training Schedule , Engineering School Style Week Activities 1 2 3 4 Sports Fundamentals , Electronic Sports Lab Baseball Rules I Running Calesthenics Physics Sports Physiology Baseball Rules II Electronic Baseball ...
New progress and sustainable development of rock mechanics and engineering in China ZHANG YUZHUO & YAO JIANGUO China ... This paper lists a number of current hot research subjects on rock mechanics in China , including the macroscopic ...
40173 International Sourcebook for Construction # 40001 Constructed Civil Infrastructuro Systems R & D : Industry ... International Research Symposium : Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century .
An Enhanced Building Technology Evaluation Process Civil Engineering Research Foundation ... generated at CERF's recent International Research Symposium : Engineering and Construction for Sustainable Development in the 21st Century .