Follows the adventures of the X-Men, who band together to fight enemies, form tentative alliances with members of Magneto's gang, and protect the carefully controlled world of Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Humanity now faces mutants, a mysterious sub-species that is gifted with strange and frightening powers.
The world tour is over.
Collects Ultimate X-Men #72-74, Annual #2.
The X-Men's world is about to be turned upside down as Jean Grey's struggles to control the burgeoning powers of the terrifying Phoenix.
Follows the adventures of the X-Men, who band together to fight enemies, form tentative alliances with members of Magneto's gang, and protect the carefully controlled world of Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Presents the adventures of the X-Men as they handle a number of problems, including Cassandra Nova's attempt to utilize extraterrestrial technology and her mysterious relationship with Charles Xavier to destroy mutantkind.
The X-Men and allies try to deal with Mister Sinister and his master Apocalypse at the same time as a dangerous mutant-enhancing drug called Banshee.
Collecting Ultimate X-Men #40-45.
The mutants have proved their worth, and Utopia thrives - but at what cost? Kitty makes a choice that could haunt her forever, as Mach Two's jungle insurgency gains strength! Plus, there are eyes in the sky - but who's watching the mutants?
The series that catapulted Marvel's mega-popular mutant heroes into the 21st century!