Follows the adventures of the X-Men, who band together to fight enemies, form tentative alliances with members of Magneto's gang, and protect the carefully controlled world of Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Humanity now faces mutants, a mysterious sub-species that is gifted with strange and frightening powers.
The world tour is over.
The X-Men's world is about to be turned upside down as Jean Grey's struggles to control the burgeoning powers of the terrifying Phoenix.
Ultimate War Mark Millar. "A daring introduction to both the Avengers and X-Men." – REMENDER • CASSADAY |WNEl CDIPEL • MARTIN THE RED SHADOW Superio My Own Worst Enemy EISBN #. Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1: The Red ...
1: The Red Shadow EISBN#978-1-302-01377-6 ALSO ON SALE All-New X-Men Vol. 1: Yesterday's X-Men EISBN#978-1-302-01360-8 MOORE “Bendis is off to a great start.” — “One of the most original and fun-to-read comics.
It is the moment you've all been waiting for!
The X-Men and allies try to deal with Mister Sinister and his master Apocalypse at the same time as a dangerous mutant-enhancing drug called Banshee.
Issued also in hardcover without distinctive titles, and in larger compilations.
The final explosive story in Brian Michael Bendis' epic X-Men saga! Cyclops' revolution comes to a head! Will the morally compromised Scott Summers save himself from ruin - or will he make that fateful leap?
This deluxe hardcover reprints the materials "Ultimate X-Men Vol. 6: The Return of the King" and "Ultimate X-Men Vol. V: Ultimate War," plus extra bonus features.