Humanity now faces mutants, a mysterious sub-species that is gifted with strange and frightening powers. Hidden among the population. they are feared and hated by their human cousins. As rumors and urban myths about their existence spread across the world, the US government creates its own initiative to deal with this threat: the Sentinel Project. Meanwhile two men wage a secret war for the hearts and minds of young mutants everywhere. Charles Xavier has recruited a cadre of students including Cyclops, Jean Grey and Beast, that call themselves the X-Men. But there are others out there, living in fear, struggling to deal with what they are: Ororo Munroe, Bobby Drake and another, more dangerous mutant named Logan. Simultaneously, the terrorist known only as Magneto has assembled The Brotherhood, a militant group dedicated to the overthrow of human authority. A war is on the horizon and these amazing young men and women will decide the future of all humanity! Collects Ultimate X-Men (2000) #1-6.
The series that catapulted Marvel's mega-popular mutant heroes into the 21st century!
The world tour is over.
Ultimate War Mark Millar. "A daring introduction to both the Avengers and X-Men." – REMENDER • CASSADAY |WNEl CDIPEL • MARTIN THE RED SHADOW Superio My Own Worst Enemy EISBN #. Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1: The Red ...
Magneto, the X-Men's Deadliest Villain, Returns. They've faced the Weapon X program, Proteus and even the superhuman strikeforce known as the Ultimates.
Five students with mutant abilities and their crippled mentor, Professor Xavier, try to save the world from erupting into war between humans and a terrorist cell of mutants led by Magneto.
Presents the adventures of the X-Men as they handle a number of problems, including Cassandra Nova's attempt to utilize extraterrestrial technology and her mysterious relationship with Charles Xavier to destroy mutantkind.
Follows the adventures of the X-Men, who band together to fight enemies, form tentative alliances with members of Magneto's gang, and protect the carefully controlled world of Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Collects "Ultimate War" comics one through four, following the battle between the X-Men and the Ultimates, a government-sponsored team of superheros that includes Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and others.
After returning home to Westchester, the X-Men carry on, seeking a return to normalcy and opening their school to students once more. But amid the mundane, Jean Grey's life takes a sudden turn toward the bizarre.
The biggest mutant cover-up has gone public as the true history of the X-Gene is revealed. the United States government has been outed as the X-Gene's creator and mutants have been branded terrorists. as an identity crisis rocks the mutant ...