A biography of the legendary buffalo hunter considers his legacy as the arch-purveyer of the mythical West, describing his "Wild West Exhibitions" traveling show and citing his experiences with such figures as Wild Bill Hickock, George Armstrong Custer, S
Custer believed that lndia ns were superior to even the best white frontiersman when it came to trailing, which was “peculiarly and undeniably an ... J. Hector St. john de Crevecoeur, Let-terxjrom an 1-lmeriean Farmer (1782; rprt.
A tireless and wily self-promoter, Cody, already a superstar, in 1904 published this autobiography, the cheerful story of his own life, complete with suspiciously tall tales of battles with Indians, exploits with the army and the Pony ...
The Buffalo Bill Cody who emerges from this book is not so very different from the paragon in Ingraham’s novels, but as Cody’s close companion, Ingraham had the inside story on this iconic figure of the American West.
143. 20. William Frederick Cody, An Autobiography of Bu alo Bill (Colonel W. F. Cody) (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Company, 1920), p. 233. 21. Yost, p. 55. 22. Cody, Autobiography, p. 304. 23. Russell, e Lives, p. 190.
"Explores Buffalo Bill Cody, including his childhood; working as a scout, buffalo hunter, and Pony Express rider; the creation and performances of his Wild West Show and his legacy in American history"--Provided by publisher.
Buffalo Bill Cody lived to become a legend of the Old West, they symbol of America's wild frontier. Here is the true story of his adventures, told by his sister, with the help of America's greatest western author--Zane Grey.
In Buffalo Bill on the Silver Screen, Sandra K. Sagala chronicles the fascinating story of Cody’s venture into filmmaking during the early cinema period.
"An excellent book based on exhaustive research and written with fresh insight. It is a spellbinding accomplishment and brings both the man and his era to life. . . ....
William F. Cody. stolen stage-horses. Leaving the infantry to guard the supply camp, ... He was armed with a heavy old Sharpe's rifle, a revolver and a knife. I introduced him to Colonel Mills and the other officers and asked him where ...
With copious archival illustrations and a handsome design, Presenting Buffalo Bill makes the great showman come alive for new generations. Extensive back matter, bibliography, and source notes complete the package.