For too long, Toinette Blue has lived behind the wall she built around her heart after her husband abandoned her. But when she meets a young, attractive lawyer, he rekindles the flames of passion that excite and frighten her. Robinson Mayview is consumed by a powerful desire. He vows that nothing is going to come between him and his true love.
This is a novel with all the emotional appeal and moral gravity of a classic bildungsroman, but with a tone as contemporary as a jazz riff—an unforgettable achievement by one of the great writers of our time.
In addition to surveying historical context and intellectual origins, this book aims to rescue Oglethorpe’s work from its relegation to the status of a living museum in a revered historic district, and to demonstrate instead how modern ...
Many now argue that neurophysiology demonstrates the radical dependence, indeed, identity, between mind and brain. Advances in genetics and in mapping human DNA, some say, show there is no need for the hypothesis of body-soul dualism.
The legacy of the Black Panther Party's commitment to community health care, a central aspect of its fight for social justice
A feelings-intutitive approach to physical illness, vividly illustrating the symbolic attitude and active imagination with the body. The author was 76 when he died of cancer in 1990. Refreshingly candid...
Paraphrasing the Basher Science book Physics—Why Matter Matters by Dan Green and Simon Basher (pages 42−46), here's a model where you can jump inside one of the waves and see what's happening. Imagine you and your friends are standing ...
I don't deserve it, I'm not good enough!" Spirit, Soul, and Body will help you eliminate those and other doubt-filled questions that destroy your faith. If you have trouble receiving from God, this is a must-read!
With just a week to go before the grand opening of their new café, the twins will use their revitalized connection with each other to make sure this is the killer's final page.
Written by black women for black women and sponsored by the National Black Women's Health Project, here is an honest, straight-from-the-heart guide reminiscent of Our Bodies, Ourselves that addresses the...
Divided into three main sections, this book offers information and exercises, which combine to provide a practical guide to achieving well-being.