Chat Room

Chat Room
Chat Room
Large Print Press
Linda Hall


Hired by the grieving Glynis, whose friend, Kim, has disappeared after meeting a man through the Internet, private investigator Teri Blake-Addison wonders if Glynis's own interest in online relationships may be making her vulnerable as well.

Other editions

  • Chat Room
    • 2009-04-16
    • 147 pages
    • Paperback
    • iUniverse
  • Chat Room
    • 2006-03-01
    • 128 pages
    • Ebook
    • Orca Book Publishers
  • Chat Room
    • 2006-03-01
    • 102 pages
    • Ebook
    • Orca Book Publishers
  • Chat Room
    • 2006-03
    • 126 pages
    • Paperback
    • Orca Book Publishers

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