An unprecedented book on option pricing! For the first time, the basics on modern option pricing are explained ``from scratch'' using only minimal mathematics. Market practitioners and students alike will learn how and why the Black-Scholes equation works, and what other new methods have been developed that build on the success of Black-Shcoles. The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial trees are discussed, as well as two recent theories of option pricing: the Derman-Kani theory on implied volatility trees and Mark Rubinstein's implied binomial trees. Black-Scholes and Beyond will not only help the reader gain a solid understanding of the Balck-Scholes formula, but will also bring the reader up to date by detailing current theoretical developments from Wall Street. Furthermore, the author expands upon existing research and adds his own new approaches to modern option pricing theory. Among the topics covered in Black-Scholes and Beyond: detailed discussions of pricing and hedging options; volatility smiles and how to price options ``in the presence of the smile''; complete explanation on pricing barrier options.
亞馬遜讀者:「這是我的財務聖經,我讀了三次!」 行為金融起源於一個簡單的信念──在現實生活中,投資人並不理性。 ...
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The Benefits or Costs of EU Membership Brian Hindley & Martin Howe Occasional Paper 99 ( new edition ) ; ISBN 0 255 36502 0 £ 10.00 Buckingham at 25 Freeing the Universities from State Control Edited by James Tooley Readings 55 ; ISBN 0 ...
Hovakimian , Armen , and Edward J. Kane . “ Effectiveness of Capital Regulation at U.S. ... Kim , E. Han , and Vijay Singal . “ Stock Market Openings : Experience of ... Linsmeier , Thomas J. , and Neil D. Pearson . “ Value at Risk .
艾利斯,耶魯大學校務基金的操盤人,曾經為耶魯大學校務基金賺進7倍之多的資產總額。為何退休後,卻振筆疾呼「主動式投資的時代已經過去,未來是指數型基金的時代」? ...
Securities in a Nutshell
肯恩?費雪(Ken Fisher)、珍妮佛.周(Jennifer Chou)、菈菈.霍夫曼斯(Lara Hoffmans). 有像股票分割前那樣維持不變,現在反而劇烈波動。ABC如今是1.10元,XYZ現在是90元。加起來是91.1元。除以我們的新除數1.01,得出的指數是90.2。搞什麼?