In 1949 the first made-for-television cartoon series debuted on a major network. Tele-Comics embraced the popular cliffhanger serial genre, using nonmoving comic strip panels and a handful of radio actors to produce a show at a fraction of the cost accrued by a live show. Despite the success of Tele-Comics and a few other such shows, television cartoons languished until 1954 when Walt Disney produced Disneyland. From such pioneers as Tele-Comics and Crusader Rabbit to modern fare such as X-Men and Beavis and Butthead, this is the first reference book to detail animated cartoons made exclusively for television from 1949 through 1993. Each entry includes the shows title, network, studios and full production information when available. An essay blending plot description, critical commentary, and background information is also provided for each cartoon. A discussion of the voice artist concludes the work.
A very early example of this is the US single play ' The Hospital where a disturbed porter disrupts the power supply to the hospital . It was a CBS / Studio One production broadcast Doctor : Television , Storytelling and Medical Power ( ...
It gives readers a real insight into this work through its outstanding range of images.
Per tale motivo , nel 1908 in America la Germantown sullo schermo , e mettendosi a cantare sul filo dell'accompagna- Citizens ' Association mise al bando questi copricapi da " vedova mento musicale . Un simile coinvolgimento era ...
出乎意料又在情理之中的身份在布兰纽准将向赤犬报告罗与多弗拉明戈的变故后,赤犬曾经提及斯摩格在给他的报告里啰啰嗦嗦地说了一大堆,并且已经派“藤虎”过去了。 ... 并且,他离去的时候曾经递给店家一张纸条,让对方去这里报销修理费用。
With his career on the wane, Reeves and his wife Ellanora divorced; she soon married a prosperous attorney named Edward Rose. ... After all I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall and I finally convinced him I could stretch a point with high heels.
Scopo di questo lavoro è mettere in risalto uno degli aspetti meno conosciuti della complessa personalità del "re di cartoonia", la sua ideologia politica, anche attraverso l'analisi di alcuni film...
Whether you’re seeking movie gifts or something for the history buffs in your life, this comprehensive guide to animation and cartoons has it all. In this one-of-a-kind definitive history of...
Studios. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, photos, a bibliography, and over 200 cross-referenced dictionary entries on animators, directors, studios, techniques, films, and some of the best-known characters.