The perfect guide for all collectors of Western film, television, radio and comics memorabilia, this book contains everything you need to know about getting your old Lone Ranger comic book signed by Clayton Moore or tracking down that Hopalong Cassidy lunchbox. Festivals and conventions in your area, the best museums (from art to Native American history to toys), which newsletters and magazines to subscribe to, which websites to check. The section on reference books includes biographies, genre histories (radio drama, mysteries, comedies), studios, music reference, serials and cliffhangers, locations and movie ranches, episode guides, cast listings, film listings, price and collectible guides, and a list of publishers. Each entry shows the author(s), publisher, format, length, and a brief summary. This book has it all: commemorative artwork, posters, production stills, lobby cards, autographs, books, costumes, newspaper strips, comic books, cups, plates, and utensils, commemorative weapons and play sets, toys, games, models, lunchboxes, Christmas ornaments, magazines, movie and TV props and memorabilia, scripts, press packets, audio and video recordings, and cereal box premiums. The book tells how best to preserve your treasures and how to get in touch with other fans, whether buying, selling, or swapping. A survival guide to auctions, garage sales, flea markets, estate sales, and antique stores follows. Systems of ranking item quality, cataloguing guides, and format diagrams for listing and insurance purposes are included, as is a list of collector clubs.
Chronicles of Border Warfare; Or, a History of the Settlement by the Whites of North-Western Virginia, and of the Indian...
After whites massacred black militia in South Carolina, Grant warned that unchecked persecution would lead to "bloody revolution." As violence spread, Grant struggled to position limited forces where they could do the most good.
Initial enthusiasm soon gave way to rancor, as factions split over where to place the fair. Grant favored Central Park, but public sentiment intervened, and funding evaporated. By March, Grant resigned.
Clive M. McCay and Jeanette B. McCay - History of Work with Soyfoods, the New York State Emergency Food Commission,...
Volume 2: Management, Use and Value of Wetlands Donal D. Hook, W. H. Mckee Jr, H. K. Smith, J. Gregory, V. G. Burrell Jr, ... Chapter Thirty - four AQUACULTURE IN MANGROVE WETLANDS : A PERSPECTIVE FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA James P. McVey ...
Michael S. Bisson , S. Terry Childs , Philip de Barros , and Augustin F. C. Holl , Ancient African Metallurgy : The Socio - Cultural Context ( Walnut Creek , Calif .: AltaMira Press , 2000 ) . Moses I. Finley , The Ancient Economy ...
The latter, Morgan argues, brought more autonomy to slaves and created conditions by which they could carve out an African ... Holton, Woody. Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, and Slaves and the Making of the American Revolution.
In the D. Emeis & K.H. Schmitt , Handbuch der Gemeindekatechese , northern German dioceses , the most commonly used 1986 • F.-P. Tebartz - van Elst , “ Gemeindliche Katechese , ” in : catechism was B.H. - Overberg's Katechismus der ...
... illus., 1620 Brooks, Philip, 314-15 Brower, Pauline, 316 Brown, Bradford, illus., 1778-79 Brown, Charnan, 317 Brown, Don, author/illus., 318 Brown, Drollene P., 319-20 Brown, Fern G., 321-23 Brown, Gene, 324-27 Brown, Jane Clark, ...
See LARRY SABATO , PAC POWER ( 1984 ) ( showing that only 17 % of corporate PACs do any shareholder solicitation ) ; Bernadette A. Budde , Business - Related Political Action Committees , 3 J. L. & POLITICS 440 , 456 ( 1987 ) . 48.