Serial Film Stars: A Biographical Dictionary, 1912-1956

Serial Film Stars: A Biographical Dictionary, 1912-1956
Biography & Autobiography / Entertainment & Performing Arts
Buck Rainey


Pearl White, William Duncan, William Desmond, Ben Wilson, Walter Miller, Francis Ford, Charles Hutchinson, Jack Dougherty, and Eddie Polo are just a few of the stars to start up a whirlwind of enthusiasm among serial devotees. They took the movies by storm offering a thrills-a-minute world of ridiculous plots, weird disguises, hair-raising escapes, hidden treasures, diabolic scientific devices, wild animals, depraved men, runaway trains, and endless procession of knock-down, drag-out fights. Who could resist? This comprehensive reference work highlights 446 serial performers who thrilled generations. Each entry includes the performer's birth and death dates, details of life before and after the movies, as well as covering the major films.

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