"Extensive research yields a wealth of information on these famous catches, including commentary by period sportswriters, players, and, often, the man who snagged the ball"--Provided by publisher.
I got that vibe that told me this woman might be worth going for, regardless of her man. Maybe I was meant to meet her. Ijust knew I wanted her. “Jeremiah, huh? Nice name,” she said. “So where are you going?” “Going uptown. Catching the ...
BAvAs1 sou) BOTH Preacher Roe and Billy Cox to Baltimore over the winter, and manager Alston was hinting strongly that he was going to force Jackie Robinson into a utility role. At the start of his career, Robinson had to fight for his ...
napalm, caught you and dipped you in his deep-fryer. ... Nature herself had taken the girls out of the competition, there were five of them but every one strangled themselves in the womb to keep from coming out. Every spring through the ...
''I am going to Denver with my friends because Cassie's mother is having surgery. We want to be there to support her. It's not a big deal. We'll be back in a day or so, as soon as we know that everything's okay.'' Rafe caught the ...
They climbed into the boat, and she said to the boat, “The place you came from, go to that same place. ... The ogre's daughter was there as they were talking, so she told the soldiers to go catch the three and bring what they have ...
In this revelatory biography, Allen Barra presents Yogi’s remarkable life as never seen before with nearly one hundred photos and countless “Yogi-isms,” and offers hilarious insights into many of baseball’s greatest moments.
Going. Going. Caught. Wait – caught? Wait, what? By a... giant dog playing fetch? What the...? No, it was a wolf. A massive wolf with a glossy black coat and teeth like steak knives. The wolf caught the baseball in its teeth and landed ...
This book, which contains over 300 period photographs and illustrations, has at its core the individual biographies of every player on the team, even Douglass Smith—who appeared in just one game.
When the team returned to Detroit, Hank asked the Tigers' center fielder Barney McCosky for help. McCosky was barely twenty-three years old and had just finished his rookie season, but he was speedy and had played well.
The ball went over the wall in left-center, and Michigan led, 4–3. ... It was going, going . . . caught by Michigan's Derek VanBuskirk (who at 6-foot-5 was, and still is, perhaps the tallest left fielder to play at Hawkins Field), ...