The popular image of Scotland is dominated by widely recognized elements of Celtic culture. But a significant non–Celtic influence on Scotland’s history has been largely ignored for centuries? This book argues that much of Scotland’s history and culture from 1100 forward is Jewish. The authors provide evidence that many of the national heroes, villains, rulers, nobles, traders, merchants, bishops, guild members, burgesses, and ministers of Scotland were of Jewish descent, their ancestors originating in France and Spain. Much of the traditional historical account of Scotland, it is proposed, rests on fundamental interpretive errors, perpetuated in order to affirm Scotland’s identity as a Celtic, Christian society. A more accurate and profound understanding of Scottish history has thus been buried. The authors’ wide-ranging research includes examination of census records, archaeological artifacts, castle carvings, cemetery inscriptions, religious seals, coinage, burgess and guild member rolls, noble genealogies, family crests, portraiture, and geographic place names.
“St Andrews' Jews: Attitudes to Jews in the Church of Scotland in the First Half of the Twentieth Century” (M.A. dissertation, University College London, 2003). Ross, Joe. The Robert (Spilg) Spence Story (ms. in author's possession).
This book proposes that Jews were present in England in substantial numbers from the Roman Conquest forward.
... de II 114 Grafton: III dukes of 73 Graham II 99 Grambla III 125 Granger, Grainger II 134, 186 Grantham III 3 Granville II 24, 171, III 176 Gratz II 42, 137: Rebecca I 205206 Grazillier II 90 Green III 3 Green, Greene II 47, 50, 91, ...
region of origin: those originating in the East had experience of strong Jewish communal autonomy and limited authority ... Tony Kushner argues in Anglo-Jewry since 1066 that British Jewish history has been regarded as being of minor ...
Ethel Hofman grew up in the only Jewish family on Shetland. This is the story of her family and childhood, and of the meeting of two diverse cultures in a unique landscape.
A bit further afield, but beginning with a rabbi in Stockholm, is Bernard Foy's Third Castling (New Directions) by Lars Gustafsson. The Prize (Simon & Schuster), Irving Wallace's novel about the Nobel Prizes, stands up well even though ...
Beron George Rab Jacob Donat G. Haal Kuns Korrel G. Lilly Jacob Hagabuch Jacob Bechore Isaiah Cushwa Adam Daniel Ad. Kassel Dan. Kabel Dav. Mercki Caspar Schebele Lor. Sambel John Gabriel John Goheen Jacob Frey Hans Moser Boone Bechtel ...
This book is a joy.”—Rabih Alameddine, author of the National Book Award finalist An Unnecessary Woman “Lyrical, compassionate and illuminating.”—BBC “Michael David Lukas has given us an elegiac novel of Cairo—Old Cairo and ...
The Jews in Their Land
For Scarry the clearest example of unmaking the world is torture. Torture has the exact structure of “stupidity”: “a descriptive term for the 'nonsentience' or 'the lack of sentient awareness,' or most precisely, the 'inability to sense ...