"From historical writings, ship manifests, wills, land grants, DNA testing, genealogies, and settler lists, and the widespread presence of Jews and Muslims in prominent positions in all of the original colonies, this work looks freshly at the early American experience, postulating that many initial US colonists were of Sephardic Jewish and Muslim Moorish ancestry" --Provided by publisher.
This book proposes that Jews were present in England in substantial numbers from the Roman Conquest forward.
While several of these ran “ Indian stores ” and operated as wholesale fur buyers in Victoria , a number , such as the Shirpsers , Hart & Phillips , Moss , and Meier Malowanski ( with his Croatian partner , Vincent Baranovich ) operated ...
After a brief overview of the Jews' migrations around Europe, the West Indies and the North and South American continents, this book describes the hardships faced by the Jewish people, beginning with New Amsterdam and New York and ...
Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organisation 1922. ... 82–116, 172–77; Adam Lebor, City of Oranges: An Intimate History of Arabs and Jews in Jaffa (New York: W. W. Norton, 2006), 179–81; and Tom Segev, ...
By the period ¡700–¡799, the list includes Corbet, Corsar, Clugstone, Cassels (Kassel, a town in Germany), Hosie (Hosiah), Hassock, Ja›ray (Geo›rey), Oliphant (from “elephant”), Peacock, Runciman, Rattray, Salmond (Soloman) and Yoole ...
White servitude was one of the major institutions in the economy and society of early colonial British America.
Traces the arc of American religious discrimination, revealing a disturbing pattern of religious intolerance, from colonial anti-Quaker sentiment and Judaism to today's Muslins, Sikhs, and other religious groups under fire.
The company also had members from York, Norwich, Exeter, Ipswich, Newcastle, Hull, and other places. The merchant adventurers ofthese towns were separate, but affiliate, bodies. The Society ofMerchant Ventures ofBristol were a separate ...
... de II 114 Grafton: III dukes of 73 Graham II 99 Grambla III 125 Granger, Grainger II 134, 186 Grantham III 3 Granville II 24, 171, III 176 Gratz II 42, 137: Rebecca I 205206 Grazillier II 90 Green III 3 Green, Greene II 47, 50, 91, ...
This work of so-called scholars received great celebrity from individuals like Louis Farrakhan, Leonard Jeffries, and Khalid Abdul Muhammed who used the document to claim that Jews dominated both transatlantic and antebellum South slave ...