"This is a complete reference work to the history of Batman big screen works. Chapters on each Batman feature include credits, a production history, and a critical analysis of the movie relative to the storied history of the Batman character. The book examines the works and events that took place in the years between the character's film exploits"--
GUEST CAST: James Whitmore, Jr. (Gordon); June Lockhart (Mrs. Davidson); Bob Hastings (Mr. Davidson); Red West, Thomas W. Babson, Al Dunlop, Blake Clark. 4. “Saturday on Sunset Boulevard” Written by: Stephen J. Cannell.
More important, however, is the fact that it accurately portrayed the Captain America from the comic books that has drawn in ... Joe Simon, and Jack Kirby, Captain America Comics #2, April 1941 (Meridian, CT: Timely Comics, Inc.), 7.
Like allofthe other numbers found on Me and Jerry,Chet's guitar is mixed hardto the right and Jerry's guitar is mixed hard to the lefton “Cannonball Rag”—so itisveryeasy to distinguish oneman's playing fromthe other when listening to ...
... Mark Strong (Wells Fargo Agent), Charlie Stevens (Injun Charlie), Arthur Aylesworth, Douglas Wood, George Cleveland (Van Ellyn's Assistants), Lona Andre (Southern Belle), Leila McIntyre (Mary Todd Lincoln), Harry Stubbs (John ...
Most Tim Burton films are huge box-office successes, and several are already classics. The director's mysterious and eccentric public persona attracts a lot of attention, while the films themselves have...
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals. 2d Ed., Rev. and Enl: Supplement
When a mysterious caped figure is seen leaving the scene of several murders of Gotham City crime lords, the police suspect that Batman is responsible
For use in schools and libraries only. After 10 years away from the public eye, a wave of violence in Gotham City brings Batman back as a vigilante.
Jacinda Read studies the rape-revenge film, and suggests that the rape-revenge cycle can be read as one of the ways in which Hollywood has attempted to make sense of feminism and the shape of heterosexual femininity in the post-1970 period.
Full orchestral score, written by Danny Elfman for the 1989 Warner Brothers film, Batman. Directed by Tim Burton