Now more than ever, librarians need good communication skills. They are no longer unseen collectors, classifiers, and cultural guardians. Information professionals are doing more public speaking at conferences, in meetings, classes, book talks and countless other situations, but many of them dislike, even fear, the thought of getting up in front of a group of people and giving a presentation. Librarians and other information professionals can find in this work help in overcoming their hesitation. Part one offers basic principles for better speech preparation and delivery, discussing such topics as the importance of good listening skills to being a good speaker, doing the necessary research beforehand, applying organizational skills to a presentation, engaging an audience, practicing a presentation before actually giving it, and putting oneself at ease, among others. Part Two discusses the specific situations in which librarians often have to communicate, including interviews, interpersonal communication, library instruction, meetings and presentations to large groups.
As professional development is important in most library settings to earn or maintain credentials, this book helps academic librarians look for opportunities to earn tenure, also helping special librarians look for ways to focus their ...
... tools based on device is also beneficial for finding the best tool for a given situation. Free Tech 4 Teachers: Richard Byrne is a former high school teacher who created this website to help educators ...
This book is designed to assist those professionals with little to no experience designing and delivering training, instructional sessions, and presentations.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
“Why Public Speaking Matters Today.” Retrieved October 15, 2016. http:// -speaking-practice-and-ethics/s04-why-publicspeaking-matters-to.html. Wyeth, Sims. The Essentials of Persuasive Public ...
Presents guidelines to creating readers' advisory lists for every level of reader in any genre, including such information as how to gain familiarity with one's collection, how to create and market booklists, and how to organize related ...
Addressing the basic skills good library managers must exercise throughout their careers, this edition includes a completely new chapter on management ethics.
Family-centered library handbook. New York: Neal- Schuman. Feinberg, S., J. E. Kuchner, and S. Feldman. 1998. Learning environments for young children: Rethinking library spaces and services. Chicago: American Library Association.
( Strouse 2002 , 48 ) However , few charge back all of their costs ; most are considered overhead . Many librarians have a problem with pricing their products and services . The issue of free versus fee is still debated , not only in ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.