In January 1776, Thomas Paine published a pamphlet called Common Sense, which electrified the American colonies. Paine demanded freedom from Britain when even fervent patriots were revolting only against excessive taxation. His daring prose spurred passage of the Declaration of Independence. The Crisis, written when Paine was a soldier during the Continental Army's bleakest days, begins with the world-famous line "These are the times that try men's souls." His call for perseverance and fortitude prevented Washington's army from disintegrating. Later, Paine's impassioned defense of the French Revolution, Rights of Man, caused an immediate sensation, but got him into deep trouble with the French ruling classes. Together in one volume, Common Sense, Rights of Man, and major selections from The Crisis, The Age of Reason, and Agrarian Justice represent the key works of one of the world's most eloquent proponents of democracy -- the man who has been justly hailed as the "English Voltaire."
Collects several works covering a variety of political subjects, including independence from Britain for the American colonies, service in the Continental army, and the French Revolution.
Napoleon, for one, claimed to have slept with a copy under his pillow, recommending that “a statue of gold should be erected to [Paine] in every city in the universe.” Here in one volume, these two complete works are joined with ...
His ideas reflected Enlightenment-era rhetoric of transnational human rights.This edition of his writings contains Common Sense, The Crisis, Rights of Man and The Age of Reason
The book was published anonymously at the beginning of the American Revolutionary War on January 10, 1776, and caused an immediate sensation.It is widely sold and distributed, and read aloud in pubs and conference venues.
المنطق السليم
Now in paperback, Paine's essential American writings in authoritative Library of America texts: After a life of obscurity and failure in England, Thomas Paine came to America in 1774 at age 37.
Presents Paine's political writings about the French revolutions. No individual's writing better exemplifies this transformation of the language of social and political change than that of Thomas Paine (1737-1809).
This volume contains Paine’s explosive Common Sense in its entirety, including the oft-ignored Appendix, as well as selections from his other major writings: The American Crisis, Rights of Man, and The Age of Reason.
This edition of the pamphlet is unique in its inclusion of selections from Paine's other writings from 1775 and 1776 - additional essays that contextualize Common Sense provide unusual insight on both the writer and the cause for which he ...
Selected Writings of Thomas Paine, Including: Common Sense, and the Crisis 1 or "These are the things that try men's soul" contain the full texts of these Common Core State Standards non-fiction reading selections.