In what may be the most controversial book on Zionism and Israel published in the last twenty years, Yoram Hazony graphically portrays the cultural and political revolt against Israel's status as the Jewish state. Examining ideological trends in academia, literature, media, law, the armed forces, and the foreign policy establishment, Hazony contends that Israelis are preparing themselves for the final break with the Jewish past and the Jewish future. In a dramatic new reading of Israeli history, Hazony uncovers the story of how Martin Buber, Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt, and other German-Jewish intellectuals bitterly fought against the establishment of Israel, and later used the Hebrew University as a base for deposing David Ben-Gurion and discrediting Labor Zionism. The Jewish State is a must-read for anyone concerned with Israel's present and future.
This edition, based on the original translation to English by Sylvie D’Avigdor, includes a foreword by Alan Dershowitz, who is among Israel’s most prominent and most vocal scholars defenders.
Ultimately, A Just Zionism offers a concrete, historically and geographically rooted investigation of the limits of contemporary nationalism in one of the world's most fraught cases.
Founder of modern Zionism clearly, forcefully advocates creation of a Jewish homeland. Extremely influential. Introduction. Bibliography.
In what may be the most controversial book on Zionism and Israel published in the last twenty years, Yoram Hazony graphically portrays the cultural and political revolt against Israel's status as the Jewish state.
Theodor Herzl had been a successful Viennese journalist and a less successful playwright with no political ambitions.
Unlike their coreligionists in Lebanon and Syria, the Druzes in Israel are facing severe questions of identity.
It was the revelation of a mystic vision with flashes and overtones of prophecy. This is what Bein says: "Then suddenly the storm breaks upon him. The clouds open. The thunder rolls. The lightning flashes about him.
This book will appeal to scholars and students with research interests in many fields, including Israeli Studies, Middle East Studies, and Jewish Studies.
This book represents an original interpretation of the state of Israel, a Jewish political renaissance in the modern era. It probes the meaning of Zionism in the historical context and...
The Idea of the Jewish State