Aside from the Constitution itself, there is no more important document in American politics and law than The Federalist-the series of essays written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison to explain the proposed Constitution to the American people and persuade them to ratify it. Today, amid angry debate over what the Constitution means and what the framers' "original intent" was, The Federalist is more important than ever, offering the best insight into how the framers thought about the most troubling issues of American government and how the various clauses of the Constitution were meant to be understood. Michael Meyerson's Liberty's Blueprint provides a fascinating window into the fleeting, and ultimately doomed, friendship between Hamilton and Madison, as well as a much-needed introduction to understanding how the lessons of The Federalist are relevant for resolving contemporary constitutional issues from medical marijuana to the war on terrorism. This book shows that, when properly read, The Federalist is not a "conservative" manifesto but a document that rightfully belongs to all Americans across the political spectrum.
We see in Jesus' words in Luke 4, particularly in the story of Naaman and the widow of Zarephath, that the gospel of the kingdom would advance into the Gentile world, pressing out into larger territories. The nation of free people whom ...
This is a story of hope, but also of peril.
This means that it is so ruined that it could not ever be fixed. The US is in terrible condition in many ways and on multiple levels. Part one of the book will delve into each way the US is broken.
Cowen, Sylla, and Wright credit Hamilton with having developed “Bagehot's rules” for financial-crisis management nearly a century before they were compiled by their namesake, Walter Bagehot. Cowen, Sylla, and Wright, “The U.S. Panic of ...
Honest Money
See also Metzger and Coogan, Oxford Companion to the Bible, 618. 259. D. Davis, Religion and the Continental Congress, 144-45. 260. LDC 7:311. 261. JCC 8:536, July 7, 1777. 262. Letter of Congress to Henry Miller, July 7, 1777, ...
Here is a book that challenges the very basis of the way psychologists have studied child development.
Barack Obama's shocking plan to take over the government, the elections, the economy, the American consciousness, and even our personal freedoms From noted conservative leader Ken Blackwell and Washington, D.C.-based constitutional attorney ...
In The Words that Made Us, Akhil Reed Amar unites history and law in a vivid narrative of the biggest constitutional questions early Americans confronted, and he expertly assesses the answers they offered.
... their protection, a condition which if permitted to continue, will render impossible all attempts to restore normal competitive conditions in the industrial world” (Brandeis, Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It, 49).