Textbook Of Transpersonal Psychiatry And Psychology

Textbook Of Transpersonal Psychiatry And Psychology
Basic Books
Bruce W Scotton, Allan B. Chinen, John R. Battista


This important new book brings together the work of top scholars and clinicians at leading universities and medical centers on the benefits and risks of transpersonal therapy. After comparing a variety of multicultural approaches -- Zen Buddhism, existential phenomenology, and Christian mysticism, among many others -- the book offers a wealth of information on specific disorders and the application of transpersonal psychology techniques such as visualization, breathwork, and "past lives" regression. With solid scholarship, wide scope, and accessible style, Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology will become the standard work for students, researchers, clinicians, and lay readers interested in extending psychiatry and psychology into sciences that describe the functioning of the human mind, thereby building bridges between those disciplines and spirituality.

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