eter Jennings and Todd Brewster conceived of this fascinating book long before the events of September 11th. But watching America respond to one of the worst attacks in its history deepened the meaning of their project. Now, more than ever, Americans need to treasure their way of life, and to reacquaint themselves with the founding ideas that united and sustained this country in its struggle for independence two hundred and twenty-five years ago. In Search of America explores the basic ideals that drive and define the American character. Exquisitely designed, lavishly illustrated with photographs, and peppered with fascinating sidebars, this superb blend of eyewitness reporting and history is a significant, timely achievement. In Search of America is a splendid and provocative journey, one that will assure each and every American that though the principles of our great nation may be shaken, molded, adapted, and assaulted, remarkably, they endure.
... may be taken in by other family members or they may , as is increasingly the case in Africa , establish their own households , with the eldest children acting as heads of households ( Audemard and Vignikin 2006 ; Robson et al .
In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function ...
Kiev , A. ( 1980 , September ) . The courage to live . Cosmopolitan , pp . 301-308 . Kim , N. , Stanton , B. , Li , X. , Dickersin , K. , & Galbraith , J. ( 1997 ) . Effectiveness of the 40 adolescent AIDS - risk reduction interventions ...
Charrière , H. 1969. Papillon . Robert Lafont . ... 6 NOT OUR KIND OF GIRL ELAINE BELL KAPLAN Social research is concerned with the definition and assessment of social phenomena . Many social concepts such as teen pregnancy are ...
行走世间,唯有淡定不破:遇事不慌、遇人不躁,拥有淡定、优雅的心,你,就可以重生!——美国心灵教父戴尔 ...
Booth, John. 1985. The End and the Beginning: The Nicaraguan Revolution. Boulder: Westview. Booth, John, and Thomas W. Walker. 1989. Understanding Central America. Boulder: Westview Borge, Tomás. 1984. Carlos, the Dawn Ls No Longer ...
Readers will profit from studying this volume which sets forth a rationale for theoretical and empirical contributions to the sociology of law.
As I wrote in a recent tribute to Justice Marshall: There appears to be a deliberate retrenchment by a majority of the current Supreme Court on many basic issues of human rights that Thurgood Marshall advocated and that the Warren and ...
The Civilizing Process
Criticizes Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, Jessie Helms, and Ronald Reagan, political correctness, academic obsessions with theory, the art world, American infrastructure, and other targets