Resources in Education
Friedman, R. C., & Lee, S. W. (1996). Differentiating instruction for high-achieving/ gifted children in regular classrooms: A field test of three gifted-education models.Journalfor the Education ofthe Gifted, 19, 405–436.
A Language Arts Unit for High-Ability Learners : Grades 5-7 Center for Gifted Education. PERSUASION A LANGUAGE ARTS UNIT FOR HIGH - ABILITY LEARNERS. Journeys and Destinations ( Grades 2-3 ) This unit uses an inquiry - based approach to ...
A Language Arts Unit for High-Ability Learners Center for Gifted Education ... Journeys and Destinations ( Grades 2-3 ) This unit uses an inquiry - based approach to investigate literature in an interdisciplinary , multicultural ...
The CLEAR curriculum, developed by University of Virginia's National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, is an evidence-based teaching model that emphasizes Challenge Leading to Engagement, Achievement, and Results.
Each book in the series contains tiered lessons that teachers can easily modify to meet individual students' needs.
e following examples of resear projects come from the William & Mary language arts units. Ea project is fully described in the unit, with a project rubric forjudging the quality of the resulting product. Journeys and Destinations: ...
Winner of the 2015 NAGC Curriculum Studies Award Interactions in Ecology and Literature integrates ecology with the concept of interactions and the reading of fictional and informational texts.
Order these outstanding titles by the CENTER FOR GIFTED EDUCATION QTY TITLE ISBN PRICE TOTAL Guide to Teaching a Problem ... to Teaching a Language Arts Curriculum for High - Ability Learners Autobiographies Teaching Unit 0-7872-5338-3 ...
... to Teaching a Language Arts Curriculum for High - Ability Learners 0-7872-5349-9 $ 32.95 * Autobiographies Teaching Unit 0-7872-5338-3 $ 28.95 * Literature Packets 0-7872-5339-1 $ 37.00 * Journeys and Destinations Teaching Unit ...