Responsibly Spoken: A Manual for Public Speaking and Business and Professional Speaking
Responsibly Spoken: A Manual for Public Speaking and Business and Professional Speaking
This landmark volume will serve for years to come as a point of reference in the study, not only of responsibility and evidence, but of reported speech, authorship, and other phenomena in the social life of language.
Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World
Public Speaking and Responsibility in a Changing World
This book is about learning, from God's word, to use your mouth responsibly and with purpose.
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Completely up to date, the 3rd Edition includes discussions on fake news, a new section covering lightning talks and an entire chapter devoted to special kinds of speeches, including TED Talks, PechaKucha, poetry slams and more.
Public Speaking: Choices and Responsibility, Loose-Leaf Version
This book defines the notion of applied sign linguistics by drawing on data from projects that have explored sign language in action in various domains.