As most librarians know, networking and information retrieval has come of age with the inception of the Internet. Once you and your patrons are connected to "The Net", you'll find yourself on a fascinating journey to an unbelievable wealth of information. But, where do you do you locate a database that contains the information you're searching for...where do you turn to find access do you help your patrons retrieve the information they need?
Gale is pleased to announce Gale Guide to Internet Databases, a brand new directory that makes it easy for you and your patrons to locate and access 2,000 authoritative databases available on the Internet. The Guide focuses on major government, academic, research and educational databases, as well as pop-culture information.
With Gale Guide to Internet Databases, you and your patrons can easily access a wide variety of database types, including Library of Congress databases, FedWorld, Security Exchange Commission Edgar, Genome Databases, Amtrak Train Schedule -- even the Simpson's Archive and Star Trek Generations -- and much more. Written in nontechnical language, the Guide includes both domestic and international resources.
"Fills an information niche by providing much needed quality information on internet sources. Can be a valuable component of the serious Internet library". -- Lee Ratzan on the Internet
The types of databases featured in Gale Guide to Internet Databases include bibliographic, image, numeric, software, bulletin board, dictionary, directory and statistical. Entries list more than one access path to the databases including gopher, telnet, ftp, e-mail and URL addresses.
Entries include:
--Database name and acronym
-- How to access information
-- How to retrieve information
-- Data providers
-- Main file names
-- Database description -- its scope and content
-- Geographic coverage
-- Fees
-- Language
-- Related listservs
-- Database type
-- Updating frequency
-- Special instructions/limitations
-- Search routines and searchable elements
-- Information provider, including name, full contact information and e-mail address
-- And more
To quickly guide you and your patrons to the database you need, Gale Guide to Internet Databases includes five comprehensive indexes:
Subject Index -- employs more than 4,000 terms and cross-references to classify the major fields of interest of each Internet database provided in the Guide. It also extensively cross-references synonyms and related terms
Master Index -- contains an alphabetical listing of all databases, organizations, hosts, data providers, names of individual files and publications covered in the book. It also provides alternative database names, keywords, acronyms, and main file names
Host/Provider Index -- helps you find the names of organizations that maintain databases on the Internet as well as organizations that provide information contained in the databases
White Pages Index -- includes a phone list of names and Internet e-mail addresses of the contact names listed in the entries
Alternate Formats Index lets you easily locate names of the Internet databases that are also available in other formats such as print, CD-ROM, diskette, mag-tape or other online vendors
In addition, a Specialized Home Page Index provides names and access paths to specialized gopher sites arranged by subject Also included is a glossary of Internet-related terms and an annotated bibliography.
The RSI approach to use case analysis was developed by Mark Collins - Cope . This chapter explores the definition of use cases to capture functional requirements for a Web system and the application of those use cases to support the ...
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To get a hash slice of the same data structure , you could say : my $ hashref $ stateKeys - > { ' ID421 ' } ; to get the hash referenced by ' ID421 ' , i.e. , $ stateKeys { ID421 = > { state = > ' Minnesota ' , capital = > ' St Paul ' ...
... 島金石掌網路書店 2 全館搜尋可|琶中艾害|葵艾書簡體害雜誌 MQQK |艾具|服飾酶 Google 搜尋*9 有時候手上只有相關的圖片,卻. 1-23 。 利用搜尋工具指定多個篩選條件.
[ 30 ]李立会,李少军,刘忠领,智能视频监控技术综述, [ 31 ]赵俊,智能视频监控系统关键技术研究,西安电子科技大学, [ 32 ]刘智权,视频监控:物联网时代应用先锋, [ 33 ]冯凯,童世华, ...
Moore's Law ( named after Intel cofounder Gordon Moore ) states that the number of circuits packed into a given area of a silicon chip doubles approximately every eighteen months , leading to a similar improvement in processing power .
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Is Wherify Worth It ? One Parent's Take Dave Johnson ( this book's tech editor ) and I rarely see eye to eye on anything . So it was with some apprehension that I asked him to share his experience with Wherify , the built - for - kids ...
The Internet has changed the way we access the world. This is especially true for kids, who soak up new technologies like eager little sponges.
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