Consult this reference for biographical information on more than 4, 500 figures in todays musical arena. Covering all genres of modern music, Contemporary Musicians profiles artists involved in rock, jazz, pop, rap, rhythm and blues, folk, New Age, country, gospel and reggae.
Looking for information on Front man Trent Reznor? Need a list of Van Cliburns early recordings or background details on Johnny Mercers musical career? Music lovers, students, teachers, journalists and other researchers will appreciate and enjoy the lively and descriptive essays of this excellent series.
Contemporary Musicians offers biographical statistics, detailed source information, critical essays, selected discographies and, whenever available addresses for the leaders, the legends and the up-and-coming celebrities of popular and classical music. Also provided is a list of selected books, magazines, newspapers and other sources where more information can be found. Nearly every entry contains a photograph of the featured subject. This source is up-to-date with coverage of the performers and writers who interest readers, drawn from the various musical genres as represented by the breakdown of record sales. The series also covers past artists whose accomplishments still have an impact on todays music.
This reference is appealing to students because of its contemporary focus, easy format and style. Each volume is alphabeticall
Contemporary Musicians
Consult this reference for biographical information on more than 4, 500 figures in todays musical arena. Covering all genres of modern music, Contemporary Musicians profiles artists involved in rock, jazz,...
Consult this reference for biographical information on more than 4, 500 figures in todays musical arena. Covering all genres of modern music, Contemporary Musicians profiles artists involved in rock, jazz,...
the Frank Baum stories , was criticized for playing the role of Dorothy . But Ross adapted the script so that the character , instead of being a young girl , was a shy adult nervous about functioning away from her family .
... Buck 2 Page , Jimmy 4 Also see Led Zeppelin Palmer , Robert 2 Parsons , Gram 7 Also see the Byrds Parton , Dolly 2 Paul , Les 2 Paxton , Tom 5 Penn , Michael 4 Perez , Louie See Los Lobos Perkins , Carl 9 Perry , Joe See Aerosmith ...
Provides comprehensive information on musicians and groups from around the world. Entries include a detailed biographical essay, selected discographies, contact information and a list of sources.
Consult this reference for biographical information on more than 4, 500 figures in todays musical arena. Covering all genres of modern music, Contemporary Musicians profiles artists involved in rock, jazz,...
While popular music in all its varied forms is a source of common interest and an insatiable curiosity among readers of all ages, thorough biographical information about its stars and superstars can be difficult to find.Consult this ongoing ...
Graham Bell -- Stephen Bishop -- Edie Brickell -- Jackson Browne -- Lindsey Buckingham -- Cece Bullard -- Eric Burdon -- Billy Burnette -- Rosanne Cash -- Eric Clapton --...
Consult this reference for biographical information on more than 4, 500 figures in todays musical arena. Covering all genres of modern music, Contemporary Musicians profiles artists involved in rock, jazz,...