When you need information about databases fast, you'll find it in this easy-to-use bible of databases. Gale Directory of Databases profiles more than 12,500 databases available worldwide in a variety of formats. Entries include producer name and contact information, description, subject, language, update frequency, geographic coverage, availability and cost. Also available is information on software and system requirements and more. Volume I describes online databases; Volume 2 covers CD-ROM, diskette, magnetic tape, batch access and handheld products. The Directory also covers more than 3,600 producers, 2,400 online services and vendors/distributors, providing name, full contact information, branch offices and a complete list of the database products available.
This is a guide to computer-readable databases available online, in CD-ROM format, or in other magnetic formats. Details include database descriptions, costs, and whom to contact for purchase. The material...
Gale Directory of Databases: Volume 1, Online Databases
Gale Directory of Databases: September 1997
Gale Directory of Databases
Gale Directory of Online Databases July '96
Gale Directory of Databases 2003
Gale Directory of Databases: CD-ROM, Diskette, Magnetic Tape, Handheld and Batch Access Database Products
[Gale directory of databases / 1 ] ; Gale directory of databases. 1, Online databases. 1998,1,1
This resource profiles more than 18,000 databases available worldwide in a variety of formats.
Gale Directory of Databases