What Western Do I Read Next? describes and indexes approximately 1,900 titles published between 1989 and 1998, providing access to information genre readers need to select their next best read: title, series, author, publisher, characters, locale, time period, plot summary and similar authors.
... as children are forced to deal with an aging parent in A Short History of ... Mary Todd Lincoln , Abraham Lincoln ' s wife , is the main character in ...
... Kate ( Judge ) Sweet Justice - Mary Lynn Baxter [ 265 Colt , Chris ( Scout ; Gunfighter ) Colt - Don Bendell ... Sophie ( Truck Driver ) The Black Mariah - Jay Bonansinga h 968 Cooper , Ellen ( Spouse ) Earthbound - Richard Matheson ...
Provides synopses for over 1,500 titles of current popular fiction and recommends other books by such criteria as authors, characters portrayed, time period, geographical setting, or genre
A readers guide to current genre fiction.
If you enjoy Western frontier adventures set in the Old West, then you will love Too Long the Winter.
By identifying similarities in various books, this annual selection guide helps readers to independently choose titles of interest published in the last year.Each entry describes a separate book, listing everything readers need to know to ...
Old man, old horse, old rifle. And an outspoken orphan child needin' protection.I'm the ex-lawman, Lyle Frakes, and this is the story of how I met little Mary, and our trip from Deadwood to Cheyenne.
What Do I Read Next?: A Reader's Guide to Current Genre Fiction : Fantasy, Western, Romance, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction
This book includes over 400 book recommendations. Over 70 of the books are in public domain—meaning you can get them absolutely free! This is a collection of previous published books, which may also be purchased separately.
Provides synopses for over 1,500 titles of current popular fiction and recommends other books by such criteria as authors, characters portrayed, time period, geographical setting, or genre