Hanson Guide to Internet and Internet Databases Custom
As most librarians know, networking and information retrieval has come of age with the inception of the Internet. Once you and your patrons are connected to "The Net", you'll find...
This guide to the Internet has been completely revised to reflect the latest developments in Web technology and bring readers up-to-date on the hottest new techniques for hunting down information...
Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice - Hall , 1994 . Gilster , Paul . Digital Literacy . New York , NY : John Wiley & Sons , 1997 . The Internet Navigator . New York , NY : Wiley , 1993 . The Web Navigator . New York , NY : Wiley , 1997 .
"If you are wondering whether a particular kind of information is on the internet, this is a useful directory. Recommended for public, high school, and academic libraries of all sizes".
... by Karen A. Frankel The lnlemallonel Nniwork MWomon in Technology The Lima Reader rue-rueWomen in Technology Direclory :1 Ql'fiifi 'wiDomriDm ' .. __ cw -' ~ 4? We could try many of the hyperlinks listed under this heading.
In Information Trapping: Real-Time Research on the Web, Internet-search-engine expert Tara Calishain makes researching more efficient and rewarding for anyone for whom the Web is an indispensable tool — academics, journalists, scientists, ...
... philosophy , and psychology papers from undergraduate and graduate work . Mind and Body : Rene Descartes to Wilham James • Online Psychological Services - A comprehensive information service for psychological professionals and consumers ...
Ross, Catherine Sheldrick, Kirsti Nilsen, and Marie L. Radford. 2009. Conducting the Reference Interview: A How-to-Do-It Manual for Librarians. 2nd ed. New York: NealSchuman. RUSA (Reference & User Services Division). 2018.
A Guide to Chinese Medicine on the Internet frees readers from having to sift through countless websites to find up-to-date, high quality, reliable information on all types of Chinese medicine.