These exciting and unique author profiles are essential to your holdings because sketches are entirely revised and up-to-date, and completely replace the original Contemporary Authors entries. A softcover cumulative index is published twice per year (included in subscription).
This book examines the phenomenon of physician-authors. Focusing on the books that contemporary doctors write--the stories that they tell--with contributors critically engaging their work.
Since it began in 1995, has been showered with awards and praise. Now, its 150,000 devoted readers can devour The Reader's Guide to Contemporary Authors -- an all-original,...
Here, in more than forty essays, are Woolf's thoughts on her contemporaries in the art of fiction; reviewing and criticism; and one of her favorite themes, female novelists. Among the...
223 ; July , 2000 , F. D. Reeve , review of Elegy for the Southern Drawl , PERIODICALS p . 229 . American Book Review , July , 1990 , p . 30 ; September , 1995 , Jonathan Holden , review of Apocalyptic Narrative and Other Poems , p .
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary AuthorsĀ®.
In response to the escalating need for up-to-date information on writers, Contemporary AuthorsĀ® New Revision Series brings researchers the most recent data on the worlds most-popular authors.
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary Authors(R).
"Writers rarely share their unedited journals with others. On these most private of pages - or on odd scraps of paper - they jot down bits and pieces of their...
Series covers individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries cover: personal life, career, writings and works in progress, adaptations, additional...
Your students and users will find biographical information on approximately 300 modern writers in this volume of Contemporary AuthorsĀ®.