Endangered Species, 2nd Edition, presents information on endangered and threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mollusks, insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and plants. Its 240 entries -- including 40 new species added to the 2nd Edition -- were chosen to give a glimpse of the broad range of species currently facing endangerment. While well-publicized examples such as the American bison, northern spotted owl, and gray wolf are examined, so, too, are less conspicuous -- yet no less threatened -- species such as the Australian ant, Cape vulture, and Peebles Navajo cactus. The entries are spread across three volumes and are divided into sections by classes. Within each class, species are arranged alphabetically by common name.
Protecting the plant and animal species that inhabit Earth can be a daunting task! In this book, you will learn that no creature lives in isolation; all species living on Earth have an effect on others.
Colorful photographs, primary sources, and helpful graphics illustrate the conservation efforts made by scientists and lawmakers around the world. This book will encourage your young readers to take an active role in solving this problem.
The book features a unique integration of case studies with theory, and provides sound, practical ideas for improving endangered species policy implementation.
Many are on the path to extinction. In this book, Chelsea Clinton introduces young readers to a selection of endangered animals, sharing what makes them special, and also what threatens them.
... The Manager as Negotiator (New York: Free Press, 1986); and M. Bazerman and M. Neale, Negotiating Rationally (New York: Free Press, 1992). 3 J. Baden, “The Adverse Consequences of the ESA,” The Seattle Times, 25 October 1995.
Endangered Species Act, Washington, DC: Oversight Hearing Before the Task Force on Endangered Species Act of the Committee on Resources,...
Burgess's meticulous and exhaustive research makes Fate of the Wild a valuable resource for professionals in conservation biology, public policy, environmental law, and environmental organizations, while the narrative clarity of the book ...
Tigerland and Other Unintended Destinations. Island Press. Sodhi, N. S., and P. R. Ehrlich. 2010. Conservation Biology for All. Oxford University Press. Stolzenburg, W. 2008. Ecosystems Unraveling: Conservation. University of Washington ...
This revised and updated edition of the bestselling Atlas of Endangered Species provides the most current, comprehensive and easy-to-use reference to the species under threat and their habitats. With more...
A compelling collection of stark and haunting images showcases plants and animals threatened by extinction, including the ocelot, the California condor, the Puerto Rican crested toad and many more.