The Childrens Book Review Index contains review citations to give your students and researchers access to reviewers comments and opinions on thousands of books, periodicals, books on tape and electronic media intended and/ or recommended for children through age 10. The volume makes it easy to find a review by authors name, book title or illustrator and fully indexes more than 600 periodicals.
The story of Colin Kaepernick's 2016 decision to protest police treatment of African Americans by sitting or kneeling during the playing of the national anthem before football games.
... a parody of Dr. Seuss's The Lorax that features Al Gore as the titular character; and The Wizard of Iz, which uses the basic premise of L. Frank Baum's famous story to offer, as its subtitle indicates, A Parody of Hillary's America.
Children's Book Review Index
Children's Book Review Index 85-94 V 3
Problematic Shores: The Literature of Islands. London: Macmillan, 1990. MacCann, Donnarae. Rev. of The Devil's Breath, by David Gilman. Africa Access. n.d. 23 Aug. 2013 .
Women's studies have also led to increased interest in eighteenthcentury fiction. 'Between 1756 and 1776,' Susan Staves points out in A Literary History of Women's Writing in Britain, 1660–1789, 'identifiable women published about ...
This book uses the metaphor not only to suggest the symbolic face of power: beginning and ending with an analysis of authoritarianism, it attempts to mark and chart the visible registers of a kind of zombie politics, including the emergence ...
Hairston , Maxine , and John J. Ruszkiewice . The Scott Foresman Handbook for Writers . 3rd ed . ... Johnson , William J. , et al . The Criminal Justice Student Writer's ... New York : Pearson Longman , 2004 . Peterson , Rai .
An encyclopedia designed especially to meet the needs of elementary, junior high, and senior high school students.
... Dionne Brand, Althea Prince, Austin Clark, and prolific children's author Tololwa Mollel, appear among lesser- known titles, for instance Raymond Spence's 1969 novel Nothing Black but a Cadillac. Although some may prefer to see the ...