Now in Paperback
"This remarkable set of essays defines the role of imagination ingeneral education, arts education, aesthetics, literature, and thesocial and multicultural context.... The author argues for schoolsto be restructured as places where students reach out for meaningsand where the previously silenced or unheard may have a voice. Sheinvites readers to develop processes to enhance and cultivate theirown visions through the application of imagination and the arts.Releasing the Imagination should be required reading for alleducators, particularly those in teacher education, and for generaland academic readers."
"Maxine Greene, with her customary eloquence, makes an impassionedargument for using the arts as a tool for opening minds and forbreaking down the barriers to imagining the realities of worldsother than our own familiar cultures.... There is a strong rhythmto the thoughts, the arguments, and the entire sequence of essayspresented here."
--American Journal of Education
Also issued as parts 1-2 of the text of Launching the imagination: a comprehensive guide to basic design.
Music Four Nations Ensemble composed by Arcangelo Corelli, François Couperin, and Antonio Vivaldi directed by Andrew Appel performed by Ryan Brown, Loretta O'Sullivan, Claire Jolivet, Olav Chris Henriksen Theater A Wrinkle in Time ...
DeVito , J. ) . New York : Harper & Glasgow : HarperCollins , 1993 . 1981 . Row , 1986 . Everyman's dictionary of economics : an A dictionary of world mythology . CotAppendix 6 : examples of subject encyclopaedias Sociology Anthropology ...
A Curriculum of Imagination in an Era of Standardization In A Curriculum of Imagination in an Era of Standardization: An Imaginative Dialogue with Maxine Greene and Paulo Freire, a volume in Landscapes of Education [Series Editors: William ...
The answers may surprise you! The Power of Imagination reveals the part of spiritual life that is often shunned or closeted away because it may seem New Age or too unconventional.
A boy learns the secret to locating his missing stuffed bunny in this picture book about the extraordinary power of imagination, from the team behind the phenomenally bestselling The Secret.
The first-ever book on the science of imagination, which sheds light on both the complex inner-workings of our mind and the ways in which we can channel imagination for a better life. We don’t think of imagination the way that we should.
The ultimate guide to the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of literature reviewing, the second edition of the classic text shows how the literature review will unlock the full potential of one′s research with: A thorough exploration of ...
A New York Times bestseller The author of the beloved #1 New York Times bestseller Reading Lolita in Tehran returns with the next chapter of her life in books—a passionate and deeply moving hymn to America Ten years ago, Azar Nafisi ...
his painting of the Riesengebirge in the Hermitage, our eyes are driven from the foreground to the horizon, ... Were we, in fact, to articulate the hinterland as some sort of postmodernist phantasmagoria, we would certainly see ...