Project managers are no longer judged by the technical success oftheir projects alone. They're also held accountable for theircontributions to the company's financial goals. Yet most projectmanagers don't have the business knowledge necessary to makeproject-based decisions that lead to bottom-line success. In thisbook, Dennis Cohen and Robert Graham, both former universityprofessors and experienced project management consultants, providethe skills that, until now, could only be gained through a graduatedegree and years of hands-on experience. Cohen and Graham walk project managers through basic businessconcepts such as value creation, accounting and finance, strategy,and marketing. They connect these concepts to the decisions projectmanagers face every day. And they make it easy to apply theresulting solutions on the job through a unique business systemscalculator. Readers can use the online calculator in conjunctionwith the book to understand how different project variables affectbusiness outcomes, to determine the overall impact of proposedproject changes, and to evaluate the economic results of manydecisions they make. Cohen and Graham's principles apply equally to projects inbusiness, non-profit, and government organizations. And each one isillustrated through case studies drawn from a range of industries,including pharmaceuticals, the technology sector, even thewinemaking business. Whether the mandate is to get new products tomarket, improve the infrastructure, or better serve customers andclients, this book teaches project managers how to make day-to-daydecisions from an upper-management perspective. And it provides ablueprint for planning and pitching potential projects thatdemonstrates a higher level of business savvy.
This book shows you how to get it all together and get it done, with expert guidance every step of the way.
This is truly a significant contribution from a first-rate author." –Ralph Kliem, author of The Project Manager’s Emergency Kit "Eric Verzuh has produced another solid, readable book.
This sixth edition now includes: A brand-new chapter on project quality A new chapter on managing media, entertainment, and creative projects A new chapter on the project manager’s #1 priority: leadership A new chapter with the most ...
Deming's ideas. The businesses' attitude was that the United States was making the most superior products on the market, there would not be any competitors, and the businesses knew best for their customer. Deming tried to tell them that ...
Among the more notable contributors are Frederick Taylor, Alfred Chandler, Michael Porter, and most recently, Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad. Frederick Taylor Although Frederick Taylor's influence dates back to the early twentieth century ...
to find powerful organizational members who feel strongly enough about the “too many projects problem” to risk damaging ... Good, rational reasons can always be found for not eliminating some particular project, particularly if that ...
These four questions guide readers into fleshing out a simple, yet sophisticated, mental workbench called "the Logical Framework" - a Systems Thinking paradigm that lays out one's own project strategy in an easily accessible, interactive ...
In Project Management Analytics , Harjit Singh shows how to bring greater evidence-based clarity and rationality to all your key decisions throughout the full project lifecycle.
This book focuses on providing information on project management specific for software implementations within the healthcare industry.
Scrappy Project Management: The 12 Predictable and Avoidable Pitfalls That Every Project Faces