Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting Into College

Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting Into College
Admission Matters
Education / General
Sally P. Springer, Marion R. Franck


Praise for Admission Matters

"Today's college admission game is won not by students with the best grades, the best test scores, or the greatest talents as musicians, artists, or athletes. Today's admission game is won by those with the best information about the process itself. Springer and Franck have assembled that information in one easy-to-read volume that has the power to open up the doors of higher education for students across America."
--Theodore R. Mitchell, president, Occidental College

"Well-written and up-to-date, Admission Matters offers students and parents significant insights into the college admission process, as well as important practical advice they can implement all along the way."
--Susanne J. Leggett, post-high school counselor, New Trier High School, Winnetka, Illinois

"A remarkable book that every student and parent should read before applying to college. . . . This book does a brilliant job of explaining the rules and how to play the game successfully."
--Richard C. Atkinson, president emeritus, University of California

"With savvy insider knowledge and lots of good sense, Springer and Franck explain the admissions process and how to use it for each applicant's best advantage."
--Carol T. Christ, president, Smith College

"Admission Matters is an impeccably researched and exceptionally well-written guide."
--Graham B. Spanier, president, Pennsylvania State University

Admission Matters demystifies the college admissions process for stressed out parents and their college-bound teens, explaining what has changed, where to apply, how to craft a strong application package, what colleges look for, how financial aid works, and more. The book addresses every applicant, from those with access to excellent college guidance programs to those who get very limited help. Including checklists and timelines, this book will help students make a perfect match with the right college. It gives students what they need to be competitive at selective colleges, and it offers insight and valuable perspectives to even the most experienced families.

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