Three out of five Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, feelour country is headed in the wrong direction. America is at theedge, a critical place at which we can either renew and revitalizeor give in and lose that most precious Americanideal—democracy—and along with it the freedom,fairness, and opportunities it assures. Democracy’sEdge is a rousing battle cry that we can—andmust—act now. From Jefferson to Eisenhower, presidentsfrom both parties have warned us of the danger of letting a closed,narrow group of business and government officials concentrate powerover our lives. Yet today, a small and unrepresentative group ofpeople is making vital decisions for all of us. But this crisis is only a symptom, Lappé argues. It’sa symptom of thin democracy, something done to us orfor us, not by or with us. Such democracy isalways at risk of being stolen by private interests or extremistgroups, left and right. But there is a solution. Theanswer, says Lappé, is Living Democracy, a powerful yet ofteninvisible citizens’ revolution surging in communities acrossAmerica. It’s not random, disjointed activism but theemergence of a new historical stage of democracy in which Americansrealize that democracy isn’t something we have butsomething we do. Either we live it or lose it, saysLappé.
If you are fed up with lies and half-truths and want real answers, look no further Democracy on the Edge discusses these important issues: - The Supreme Court's decision on "Citizens United" - How gun ownership is a right but has ...
In Edge of Chaos, Dambisa Moyo shows why economic growth is essential to global stability, and why liberal democracies are failing to produce it today. Rather than turning away from democracy, she argues, we must fundamentally reform it.
6 The transformation of political community : rethinking democracy in the context of globalization David Held This chapter focuses on the changing nature of political community in the context of globalization - in brief , the growing ...
27 Instances of domestic militarization and the war at home can also be seen in the rise of the ... Unsurprisingly, paramilitary culture increasingly embodies a racist and class-specific discourse, and “reflects the discrediting of the ...
Peace, Prosperity & Democracy At the Cutting Edge, Volume 1 - Handbook of Peace, Prosperity & Democracy
In The Canadian Anthology of Social Studies: Issues and Strategies for Teachers Studies, edited by Penney Clark and Roland Case, 17–27. Vancouver: Simon Fraser University Press, 1999a. Clark, Penney and Roland Case.
In Edge of Chaos, Dambisa Moyo shows why economic growth is essential to global stability, and why liberal democracies are failing to produce it today. Rather than turning away from democracy, she argues, we must fundamentally reform it.
Richard R. Lau, Lee Sigelman, and Ivy Brown Rovner, “The Effects of Negative Political Campaigns: A Meta-Analytic Reassessment,” Journal of Politics 69, no. 4 (November 2007): 1184. 23. 24. 2S. 26. 27. 28. Lau, Sigelman, and Rovner, ...
This book explores the theoretical paradoxes and practical dilemmas that flow from the still radical idea that in a democracy it is the people who rule, and argues that accepting the open and uncertain character of democratic politics can ...
... 1946. 2 Rosario Forlenza, Le elezioni amministrative della Prima repubblica. Politica e propaganda locale nell'Italia repubblicana, 1946–1956 (Rome: Donzelli, 2008), 13–20; Patrizia Gabrielli, Il 1946, le donne, la Repubblica (Rome ...