In this frank, funny, and often challenging memoir about life inand out of the church, twenty-something Patton Dodd reveals hisquest for an authentic experience of God. On his journey heattempts to pinpoint and justify his belief in God, first with thefervent absolutes that characterize a new believer’s faithbut then with a growing awareness of the cultural complexities thatdefine his faith and encompass his understanding ofChristianity. When a spiritual awakening in his last year of high schoolwrenches Dodd out of his rebellious party days, he embarks on aquest for God. He exchanges pot smoking for worship dancing, givesup MTV for Christian pop, and enrolls at a Christian university.Soon, however, he finds himself ill at ease with the otherChristians around him and with the cloying superficiality of theChristian subculture. Dodd tells his story in contradictoryterms—conversion and confusion, acceptance and rejection,spiritual highs and psychological lows. With painstaking honesty,he tries to negotiate a relationship with his faith apart from thecultural trappings that often clothe it. Dodd’s moving story paints a nuanced and multilayeredportrait of an earnest quest for God: the hunger for genuine faith,the bleak encounters with doubt, and the consuming questions thatchallenge the intellect and the soul. This is a story that willresonate with the emerging generation of young adults attempting tobreak new ground within their own faith tradition.
Raised Right is not only an intriguing chronicle of Alisa’s personal journey; it also provides a fascinating glimpse into the worldview of a younger generation of faith––followers of Christ who believe that the term “Christian” is ...
Beginning with the so - called Higher Critical school of thought of the nineteenth - century state - supported seminaries in Germany , the Bible's accepted inerrancy began to be subjected to an all out attack .
A companion to the PBS series, This Far by Faith isthe story of how religious faith inspired the greatest social movementin American history -- the U.S. Civil Rights movement.
Description: "If this book moves, I hope it moves in the way pop songs do.
Memorable Bible-Era Fiction From Award-Winning Author King Manaseh and his friend Joshua were nurtured together in the faith of their godly fathers. but anger toward God smolders in Manasseh's heart after his father's unexpected death, and ...
I am serious about my faith and my tradition. ... Unfortunately, when we describe as “moderates” those true Muslims who shun violence and abhor terrorism and are tolerant of “the other”, whether Christian or Jew, we only strengthen the ...
My more accurate in - house title of “ associate professor ” is beginning to feel tarnished after thirteen years in rank ... I feel at home in the university , at all hours , unlike most of the regular front door entrants who are either ...
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto ... Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, ...
Like us, Jesus gin." The word "virgin" tells that c ,. T ,. , . j_ telt pain. Jesus was subjected to the great- it was God's will to enter the a- . . , est suttering we can imagine — death on world as one of us. w, the cross.
Full of Taylor's astute observations on the Spirit and the state of the world along with her gentle wit, this collection will inspire Taylor’s fans and preachers alike as she explores faith in all its beauty and complexity.