Distinctively Different: Second Lesson Sermons for Sundays After Pentecost (last Third), Cycle A

Distinctively Different: Second Lesson Sermons for Sundays After Pentecost (last Third), Cycle A
CSS Publishing
Gary L. Carver


"Be like me! "While many parents and leaders are understandably hesitant to utter such words, they are vitally needed today in a world where positive role models are often few and far between. Yet in these Cycle A epistle texts, the Apostle Paul is not bashful about challenging Christians to follow his example and live distinctively different lives -- lives that reflect the image of the risen Christ. Gary Carver shares that vision, and these outstanding messages lay out for readers the belief that we can grow every day to be more like Jesus. "Gary Carver preaches at a way station on an ancient pilgrim road, offering comfort and hope to the weary traveler.... In these compelling sermons, Gary preaches to the mixed band of pilgrims jostling our way along toward the goal of spiritual discovery, and he speaks to our fears and doubts, our longings and our need, and most of all to our hunger to be closer to one whose presence forms the end of our restless trek.... Read these wonderful sermons and enjoy them. But, more important, read these sermons and take courage as you move faithfully along the pilgrim way." (from the Foreword) Thomas G. Long Bandy Professor of Preaching Candler School of Theology, Emory University "Someone has said that preaching is presenting the gospel through human personality. In this collection of well-crafted lectionary sermons, Gary Carver has ably presented the gospel -- his personality is evident in the richness of examples and illustrations." June McEwen Chair, Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs Washington DC "Distinctively Different is a very contemporary collection of spirited and spiritual reflections. In a quiet dialogue with Gary Carver, you are invited to revive your theological commitments, reflect on difficult questions, and renew your faith perspective. Share these motivational and innovative thoughts with your Bible study or your prayer group." Claudia Highbaugh Chaplain Harvard Divinity School "Preaching effectively to the same people week after week is one of the great challenges in Christian ministry. Gary Carver shows how it is done: biblical exposition, effective illustration, and relevant application. The power of these messages is that intellectual integrity is matched with passion." Daniel Vestal Coordinator, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Atlanta, Georgia "You simply must read Gary Carver's book! If you want to meet Paul in the street and not just in the sanctuary, read this book. If you want to see that Paul's insights are more contemporary than this morning's newspaper, read this book. If you want your spirit refreshed and your soul uplifted, read this book. Give yourself a break today, read this book!" Buckner Fanning Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church San Antonio, Texas Gary L. Carver is pastor of First Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He has also served as pastor of churches in Alabama and Indiana. Carver is a graduate of Samford University (B.A.) and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div. and D.Min.), and has done additional graduate study at Candler School of Theology and Harvard Divinity School. He has been widely published in a variety of church and clergy publications, and is the author of "Acting on the Absurd" and "Out From the Ordinary" (CSS).

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