If you want to stimulate your creative juices and avoid dull, cliche-filled preaching, then you'll love this collection of 150 imaginative "sermon starters." Each idea consists of a clever title that's sure to catch the interest of the person in the pew along with a purpose statement and a brief discussion of the topic (including appropriate scripture references). There are a variety of suggested approaches with striking imagery, providing you with plenty of seeds for developing interesting, thought-provoking messages. And with a convenient subject index included, Shaking Wolves Out Of Cherry Trees is certain to be a treasured addition to any pastor's library. But this volume isn't just for preachers -- it's also an excellent source of meditations for men's, women's, or youth groups as well as inspiring devotional reading. Here's a sample of some of the inventive entries: - Daring To Be A Lion's Breakfast! - Is There A Lightning Bolt With Your Name On It? - How Many Will Your Garbage Can Feed? - We Have Met The Monster And It Is Us - Will Your Bones Dance Again? - Cain's And Einstein's Theory Of Relativity Terry Cain is a retired United Methodist pastor who served his entire ministry in eastern Nebraska. He is the author of What Your Minister Is Afraid To Tell You About The Bible. Cain is a graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan University (B.A.), St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City (M.Div.), and San Francisco Theological Seminary (D.Min.).
William H. Willimon's Sermon Source: Pastoral Preaching for Special Days, Secular Holidays, and Sermon Series
... legal : S. 736 - 1990 Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Salamanca Gran Vía , 51 37080 Salamanca Impreso y compuesto por Europa Artes Gráficas , S. A. Sánchez Llevot , 1 37005 Salamanca A la memoria de John K. Walsh.
By the General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene, 1985-89. These preaching masterpieces show that holiness is more than a spiritual buzzword; it's a way of life these authors help us...
Playing with Fire: Sermons and Prayers from Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia
Preaching at the Parish Communion: ASB Epistles _ Sundays, Year One
Preaching at the Parish Communion: Series 3, year two [gospels, epistles, collects]
GPH Publication.
These sermons will give Spiritual growth and encouragement. Jeffrey Hunter lives in Columbia, South Carolina where he pastored for serveral years.
... lamb and the unleav- ened bread are types of Christ . This means that they ate Christ . By eating Christ , Christ ... manna . He was the bread of life ( John 6:35 ) . He was the living bread ( John 6:51 ) . In John 6:57 the Lord Jesus ...
Good News for a Weird Mob