Bill Mosley believes the book of Revelation has had a bad rap--while it has the reputation of being a gloomy diatribe about a terrible Day of Judgment and Wrath, it is actually full of action and praise of God. Paradise Restored is a set of 15 practical and positive meditations that invites readers to take a new look at this most misunderstood book in the Bible. Focusing on how Revelation proclaims the cross and celebrates salvation rather than on dreary apocalyptic adventures, these uplifting messages emphasize the message of Christ's redemptive power that lies at the core of all its colorful symbolism. Paradise Restored provides a complete integrated preaching program that ties together the Lenten pilgrimage with the Easter celebration. Seven sermons for Ash Wednesday and Lent examine each of the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor that comprise the second and third chapters, while additional messages for Good Friday and the seven Sundays of Easter are based on other texts from Revelation (mostly lectionary pericopes). John's vision thus moves from the practical considerations of the seven churches to the glorious sight of the New Heaven and the New Earth. But this book isn't only for preachers--it's also great for devotional reading or as a user-friendly way to dip your toes in the book of Revelation.
Luther's Catechism: The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther
Dekanat Weißenburg in Bayern: Porträt des evangelischen Dekanatsbezirks
I samtale med Dagfinn Hauge
Der Rausch täusche Leben vor , wo es sich „ bloß um die Röte und Erregung eines Schwerkranken “ handele ( S.5 ) . Treue , Mannesmut , Ehrgefühl , Verantwortungsfreudigkeit und Gewissen , alles sei in den Strudel hineingerissen .
D. Short Biographies of Heinrich Hansen, Karl Bernhard Ritter and Friedrich Heiler Heinrich Hansen He became a student at the Universities of Kiel and Erlangen and in 1887 a pastor in Schleswig-Holstein where he successively served in ...
Lutherans respond to Pentecostalism
Transformative theological perspectives
... ( wie anfänglich vorgesehen ) zählte ; die Vorrede des fertigen Gesangbuches ist von folgenden Berliner Geistlichen unterzeichnet : Brescius , Küster , Marot , Neander , Ritschl , Schleiermacher , Spilleke , Theremin , Wilmsen .
503 WA 30 II , 527,14 ( Eine Pred . , daß man Kinder zur Schule halten solle , 1530 ) . 504 Vgl . ebd . 528,28 : „ das Pfarr - Amt , Lehrer , Prediger , Leser , Priester ( die man Kapplan nennet ) , Küster , Schulmeister und was zu ...
Designed for those who wish to review their faith and life, each chapter, in this series can serve as Catechism companions/supplements, personal devotional material, or as curriculum for a study class.