Covers the whole range of issues involved: from the size and characteristics of the resource base to public utility regulation; from the technological possibilities to market-based instruments of policy; from gas delivery infrastructure to carbon taxes. Also represents a variety of skills and interests: geology, engineering, economics, law, public administration and regulation. Addressed questions of policy at the state level, at a time when the state of Texas was engaged in developing an energy policy with a significant environmental policy component.
This important book provides a comprehensive analysis of technological change and environmental policy within the oil and gas industry. It identifies and measures the impact of technological change, both in...
Geopolitics of Natural Gas: A Report of Harvard's Energy and Environmental Policy Center
The book provides in-depth examinations of public policy dilemmas including fracking, food production, urban sustainability, and the viability of using market solutions to address policy challenges.
This interdisciplinary text will be of interest to a wide readership concerned with global energy affairs including professionals and academics in energy and environmental science, policy makers, consultants, and advisors with an interest ...
Richard C. Paddock, "Moscow Heating Pipes Create Lethal Traps Safety: Sinkholes Caused by Hot-water Leaks Result in ... S. Meyers, L. Schipper, and B. Lebot, Domestic Refrigeration Appliances in Poland: Potential for Improving Energy ...
The first edition of this pragmatic course text emphasized the policy value of a "big picture" approach to the ethical, political, technological and scientific, economic, and management aspects of environmental issues.
The Telegraph. London. Burt, M. 2016. Green GT H2 Hydrogen racing car makes UK debut at Goodwood. Available from: Ricci ...
gas extraction in the US79 and perhaps in other countries.80 A full-cost accounting approach is capable of refining these calculations further. OPTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING FULL-COST ACCOUNTING The current paradigm in shale gas development ...
The authors examine the history and prospects of the European energy sector, the impact of environmental policies on it and the regulatory structures that govern it. The period they consider ranges from the 1970s to the 2020s.
Metcalf , G. “ Economics and Rational Conservation . ” Energy Policy 22 , 10 ( 1994 ) : 819-25 . National Climate Change Process . Canada's First National Climate Change Business Plan . Ottawa : National Climate Change Process , 2000 .