The appearance of Oscar Newman's Defensible SpaceÓ in 1972 signaled the establishment of a new criminological subdiscipline that has come to be called by many Crime Prevention Through Environmental DesignÓ or CPTED. Over the years, Mr. Newman's ideas have proven to have significant merit in helping the Nation's citizens reclaim their urban neighborhoods. This casebook will assist public & private organizations with the implementation of Defensible Space theory. This monograph draws directly from Mr. Newman's experience as consulting architect. Illustrations.
According to Adams and Goldbard, we do not need neighborhoods of watchers; we need a sense of community where people care about whom they are watching. Community culture brings people together in a common purpose.
Homeowners, landscaping professionals, and community fire prevention officials will find Firescaping invaluable. If you live in an area at risk, this book can help to prepare you and give you peace of mind.
Community Safety
The “cause” of Hyde Park-Kenwood's decline has been brilliantly identified, by the planning heirs of the bloodletting doctors, as the presence of “blight.” By blight they mean that too many of the college professors and other ...
Saitta, D. (2011) 'Has Pruitt–Igoe been demythologized? ... In: L. Sandercock and G. Attili (eds) Where Strangers Become Neighbours: Integrating Immigrants in Vancouver, Canada. Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 193–229.
Report by Henry G. Cisneros, Secretary of Housing & Urban Development at the time it was written, on the increasing recognition that physical design of neighborhoods has a role to...
These “plinths” are the ground floors that negotiate between inside and outside, the public and private spheres. The City at Eye Level qualitatively evaluates plinths by exploring specific examples from all over the world.
"Covers what to do before, during, and after wildfire disasters.