This volume contains the complete Hebrew text of Rashi's Commentary on Psalms 1-89 faithfully transcribed from one of the most reliable medieval manuscripts (Vienna Heb. ms. 220), as well as a fully annotated translation into contemporary idiomatic English, and a comprehensive introduction to the commentary and the life and work of the commentator. Just as the Book of Psalms has been called a kind of Bible in miniature so is Rashi's Commentary of Psalms a Rashi in miniature. This book is a useful introduction not only to the Book of Psalms but also to Rashi's methodologies for students and scholars as well as non-specialists. In addition to placing Rashi's commentary in dialogue with ancient, medieval and modern biblical exegesis, the commentary guides readers to use the translation to gain access to Rashi in the original Hebrew.
This commentary begins with an Introduction, which gives an overview of the issues of date, authorship, sources and so on, but which also outlines more fully than usual the theology of 1 and 2 Samuel, and provides pointers toward its ...
Guides readers through the themes, central texts, prayers, festivals, and practices of ancient Israel's worship traditions in the Old Testament.
The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people, whether in biblical times or for the church today. It...
The ArtScroll Series presents the comments of the classic giants of ancient and contemporary times in a logical, comprehensible manner, like a master teacher on an exciting voyage of intellectual...
The Old Testament Apocrypha: An Introduction
Water Into Wine and the Beheading of John the Baptist: Early Jewish-Christian Interpretation of Esther 1 in John 2:1-11 and...
In this work, Daniel Estes introduces students to the Old Testament poetical books--Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Each chapter explores one of the five poetical books. Estes...
Surveys the Biblical Old Testament focusing on the Pentateuch and the Historical, Poetical, and Prophetical books summarizing each book within these categories. Examines the people, the land, the government, and...
Bryan E. Beyer follows previous bestselling texts with this comprehensive introduction to the book of Isaiah. Here is a survey with depth, presenting the prophet's overarching themes and sweeping issues...