Explains advanced techniques for assessing and intervening with psychosocial and behavioral problems in long-term care (LTC), for social workers, nurses, other professionals, and graduate students who are familiar with basics of assessment and intervention in LTC. Coverage includes the biopsychosocial model, various assessment instruments, counseling techniques, interventions for specific problems, and uses of psychiatric medications. Also discusses documentation, administrative and legal issues, and staff well-being. Paper edition, 0189-6, $22.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
Mental Health Care of the Aging: A Multidisciplinary Curriculum for Professional Training
Psychol Serv 11(2):200–208, 2014 23937081 Katz IR, Simpson GM, Curlik SM, et al: Pharmacologic treatment of major depression for elderly patients in residential care settings. J Clin Psychiatry 51 (suppl):41–47, discussion 48, 1990 Katz ...
Practical Psychiatry of Old Age
This is the new edition of the 'Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry', highly successful and well-established due to its clear writing comprehensive coverage of all issues surrounding the mental care of older people.
Counseling Troubled Older Adults is designed to be a pastoral care text for those in training for pastoral ministry as well as a useful resource casebook for those engaged in pastoral work with older persons.
The Study Guide is made up of 211 questions divided into 32 individual quizzes of 5-10 questions each that correspond to chapters in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, Third Edition.
Study Guide to Geriatric Psychiatry
The mental health needs of older people are all too often overlooked or put down to the inevitable effects of old age.
Study Guide to Geriatric Psychiatry: A Companion to the American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, Fifth Edition