Social Work: Seeking Relevancy Beyond the Postmodern Era critically examines major issues that social work education and practice must confront if social work is to remain as a mainline profession. As a social work student or professional, you will be exposed to issues in social work that normally are not covered in mainline social work literature such as the use of hypertechnology, the disjuncture of science and social work, problems with social work theories, and the challenge of reconstructing the social work profession. This important book examines these issues and offers an analysis to assist you with taking social work into the next millennium.
This is a conversational and user-friendly guide for persons pursuing a master’s degree in social work.
Segal, Gerdes, and Steiner's AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROFESSION OF SOCIAL WORK, 4E, International Edition introduces you to the social work profession and describes the role of social worker in the social welfare system.
In recognition of both the needs of social work and practitioners and students, this work offers guidance on essential social work law and procedure.
Social Work in General Practice: By E. Matilda Goldberg and June E. Neill
Social work and community in a private world : Getting out in public . Boston , MA : Pearson Education POD . Galison , P. ( 1997 ) . Image and logic : A material culture of microphysics . Chicago , IL : University of Chicago Press .
Organizational Engagement, Assessment, and Planning in Generalist Practice [EPAS 1, 6, and 7]
Revised edition of the authors' The practicum companion for social work, c2011.
Straight Talk about Interventions: Unexpected Events and Ongoing Evaluation
Quick Guide 29: Summary of Intervention Skills for Social Work Group Practice -- Contemporary Trends and Skills for the Ending Phases of Group Work: Termination and Evaluation [EPAS 9] -- Social Work Group Endings -- Using the Strengths and ...
This text for generalist practice courses is also available with a treasure trove of related materials for use in a two or three-course practice sequence.