The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians: A Profession Apart discusses the current demographics of librarianship in North America and examines how a huge retiree rate will affect the profession. With the average age of librarians increasing dramatically since 1990, this book examines the changes that will have to take place in your library, such as recruiting, training, and working with a smaller staff. The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians provides you with insights on how to make your library's transition easier when several of your colleagues leave your library. Valuable and intelligent, The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians discusses trends through easy-to-read charts, tables, and comprehensive data analysis. Exploring possible reasons for the anomalies of this trend, this book explores several surprising facts, such as: 16 percent of the 1995 American Research Libraries population of librarians will retire by the year 2000, another 16 percent between 2000 and 2005, 24 percent between 2005 and 2010, and 27 percent between 2010 and 2030, leaving the ARL lacking seasoned librarians the number of ARL cataloging librarians are decreasing, but the number of reference librarians seems to be increasing 54 percent of all ARL librarians who have twenty or more years of professional experience have worked at only one library in the course of their careers Canadian ARL librarians are older than their United States counterparts in 1990, 48 percent of ARL librarians were 45 years old or older; in 1994, the number increased to 58 percent The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians provides you with valuable insight into the unusual shape and movement of the academic librarian age profile as well as some speculation on its possible effects so you can predict how it will affect your library in the future and help you prepare to take preventative actions.
William J. Rothwell and Roland Sullivan (San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2005). University of Maryland Libraries, “ClimateQUAL—Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment,” (accessed July 10, 2008).
The Structure of Knowledge [microform]: Academic Disciplines and Academic Libraries
Students are emerging scholars whose work should be recognized and shared in conversation with work done by established scholars.
This growing engagement with publishing is a natural extensions of the academic library's commitment to support the creation of and access to scholarship."--Back cover.
It explores the strategic new services and cross-departmental collaborations academic libraries are creating to support research: publishing services, such as institutional repositories and undergraduate research journals; data services; ...
Library instruction is like a theatre performance.
The majority of the book is dedicated to the job hunt itself, covering the various steps of the academic hiring process, breaking each step into manageable pieces, and providing lots of tips and insights from the perspective of the search ...
This book addresses a gap in both special collections and liaison librarian literature, showing how librarians work together across library departments"--Publisher's description.
This book provides a comprehensive look at issues that shape the nature of human resources in academic libraries. As organizations, academic libraries have experienced significant changes in the role and definition of professionalism.
Drawing on the expertise of a diverse community of practitioners, this collection of case studies, original research, survey chapters, and theoretical explorations presents a wide-ranging look at the field of academic data librarianship.