Capitalize on the principles of psychology to develop more effective leadership! Whether you work in a smokestack industry, the service sector, or a high-tech information-based business, the basic principles of industrial/organizational psychology you will find in The Handbook of Organizational Performance can help you obtain better performance from your employees. This comprehensive volume contains all the information you need to understand on-the-job behavior and effectively manage your employees. The Handbook of Organizational Performance gives you the tools and techniques you need to reward positive employee behaviors and correct undesirable ones before they become destructive habits. Using the principles of industrial/organizational psychology, you will learn how to train employees, how to determine criteria for performance appraisals, and how to establish leadership in the workplace. The Handbook of Organizational Performance is a comprehensive guide to all areas of management, including: designing more effective training managing occupational stress using "pay-for-performance" plans reducing job-related injury and illness taking an active role in occupational safety encouraging business ethics With its clear structure and helpful charts, tables, and figures, The Handbook of Organizational Performance is an indispensable management tool and an essential text for students of business.
This Book Contains All The Information You Need To Effectively Manage Your Employees.
A comprehensive, research-based, interdisciplinary, and action-oriented approach to spirituality in organizational life, this book defines workplace spirituality as all aspects of the workplace that promote individual feelings of ...
A comprehensive, research-based, interdisciplinary, and action-oriented approach to spirituality in organizational life.
An explanation of how and why the economic downturn of 2007 became the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009.
The Handbook of Research on Organizational Culture Strategies for Effective Knowledge Management and Performance defines the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management and how they impact one another.
In the same way that a well-defined approach is needed to develop an effective strategic plan, an equally well-designed approach is needed to support the alignment of your organization's structure, management concepts, systems, processes, ...
The volume demonstrates that organizational economics has arrived as a mature, vigorous field that others must engage with. Every serious student of organizations and management will find inspiration and insight in this handbook.
which proposes that one could evaluate program success by any of four criteria: (1) the reaction or satisfaction of ... Confirmative evaluation of instruction is conducted some time after initial implementation of the instruction, ...
The Handbook of Research on Positive Organizational Behavior for Improved Workplace Performance is a collection of innovative research that combines the theory and practice of positive psychology as a means of ensuring happier employees and ...
The answers to your performance improvement questions are here! The first edition of the Handbook of Human Performance Technology has been the bible of this rapidly evolving field. This new...