Explore ways to bring and keep your library's electronic services up to date! From editor Di Su: "Some years ago, if you were told that a library's catalog would be available on a 24/7/365 basis, you'd think it was just another fiction. Perhaps as influential as Johannes Gutenberg's invention of movable type printing, the Internet is one of the most significant happenings in the information world in modern times." In addition to showing you how library services have been influenced and enhanced by the advent of the Internet, Evolution in Reference and Information Services: The Impact of the Internet will enable you to make the most of the new opportunities that current technologies offer. This valuable book will also help you and your library avoid the pitfalls and new challenges to professional competency that come along with electronic research. Evolution in Reference and Information Services: gives you a review of the history of electronic reference looks at the increasing role of librarians as teachers and providers of technical help for users provides case studies and ways to evaluate electronic research methods suggests strategies for providing effective electronic services examines government Web sites explores Internet sources of health information shows you how to establish electronic services through your library's portal site looks at how to manage a library computer lab and much more!
Using an original and unprecedented multi-level analysis of access and use in low-income neighbourhoods, 'Digital Cities' tells the story of information technology use and inequality in American cities and metropolitan areas.
Using an original and unprecedented multi-level analysis of access and use in low-income neighbourhoods, 'Digital Cities' tells the story of information technology use and inequality in American cities and metropolitan areas.
Prentice Hall版权所有
of widely separated networks , two “ half bridges ” are needed ( see Figures 14-6 and 14-7 , below ) . ... ( a ) Architecture tl , t8 User data t2 , t7 LLC - H User data t3 , t4 , 15 , to MAC - H LLC - H User data MAC - T ( b ) ...
The objective of this book is to provide an up-to-date survey of developments in computer security.
Internet and WWW 2: Internet Network Design, Implementation and Management
Companion CD-ROM The companion CD-ROM contains a test bank with over 200 practice questions and an electronic version of the text. This volume is part of the Exam Certification Guide Series from Cisco Press(r).
With link encryption, each vulnerable communications link is equipped on both ends with an encryption device.Thus,all traffic over all communications links is secured.Although this requires a lot of encryption devices in a large network ...